
If you made a plugin and want it included in this directory, let me know!

Installing plugins

The simplest way to install a plugin is to create a plugins directory inside your project directory (next to site) and save the plugin file there. Since 1.10 release, soupault will automatically find them, for example, plugins/my-plugin.lua will be registered as my-plugin widget.

However, if you want to load a plugin file explicitly or you want to give its widget a different name, you can also load it explicitly like this:

  file = "tmp/some-plugin.lua"

In this case tmp/some-plugin.lua will be registered as my-cool-widget.

Consult the reference manual for details.


Conditional HTML insertion

This plugin inserts an HTML snippet into the page iff that page has an element matching certain selector.

The key difference from the built-in insert_html widget is that it can check for one element, but insert in another. The element to check for is defined by the check_selector option, while the selector option defines the target element to insert the snippet in.

For example, if some content requires some JavaScript to interpret, you may want to insert that JavaScript only in pages that actually need it. Of course, that JS usually has to go to the page <head>, not inside the content element, and you don’t need it in every element, so insert_html doesn’t work well for this task.

One example is self-hosted asciinema player. It’s smaller than a video would be, but it’s still quite a chunk of JS and it’s better to insert it only in pages that have any <asciinema-player> elements.

There are other possible uses of course. Here’s an example that adds a warning to your page if it has any <blink> elements:

  widget = "insert-if"
  html = "<div><strong>Warning: blink elements are obsolete!</strong></div>"
  selector = "body"
  check_selector = "blink"

Download: insert-if.lua.

Collapsible lists

Converts a list to a tree with collapsible/expansible nodes using HTML5 <details> element.

Configuration example:

  widget = "collapsible-list"
  selector = ["ul.tree", "ol.tree"]
  collapsible_class = "collapsible"

It will convert <li> elements that have <ul> or <ol> elements nested inside them to collapsible tree nodes. If collapsible_class option is given, that class will be added to the affected <li> elements.

A live example this plugin’s output can be seen in the table of contents of the iproute2 manual.

Download: collapsible-list.lua.

Generator meta tag

Adds <meta name="generator" content="soupault $current_version"> to pages to let everyone know they are generated with soupault.

It doesn’t insert that tag if a generator meta tag already exists in the page, and tries to always group its output with existing <meta> tags.

This plugin doesn’t have any configurable options (as of now).

Configuration example:

  widget = "generator-meta"

Download: generator-meta.lua.

Inline CSS styles

Moves CSS from <inlineStyle> elements in the page body to <style> elements in its <head>.

While it’s possible to just use <style> elements in <body>, keeping them in is arguably cleaner and more idiomatic and has less potential to cause strange behavior with browsers and HTML tools

Configuration example:

  widget = "inline-styles"

Then if you want to have one particulat page to have a pink background, you can do something like this anywhere in the page file:

body { background: pink }

Download: inline-style.lua.


Reading time

Calculates estimated reading time based on word count and inserts it into the page. Sample configuration that counts words inside a <div id="content"> and inserts the result in <span id="reading-time">:

  widget = "reading-time"
  selector = "span#reading-time"
  content_selector = "div#content"
  reading_speed = 180

Default reading speed is set to 180, based on this research paper. That average reading speed was obtained for simple middle school level texts, so sites on complex subjects may want to lower that value considerably.

Download: reading-time.lua.

Escape HTML special characters

Writing about HTML in HTML can be especially annoying since you have to replace all special characters (<, >, &) with HTML entities. I always wished the <pre> tag content was treated as raw data, since we sadly gave up on XHTML and anyway. With this plugin you can do it easily.

It converts the content of an element to its HTML source. E.g. <pre class="raw-html"><p>hello world</p></pre> to <pre class="raw-html">&lt;p&gt;hello world&lt;/p&gt;</pre>.

  widget = "escape-html"
  selector = "pre.raw-html"

Download: escape-html.lua.

Site URL

This plugin changes all relative links like /about.html to absolute like It replaces the appropriate attribute (href, src, data) in a, link, script, img, audio, video, embed, object elements. Sample configuration:

  widget = "site-url"
  site_url = ""  

Download: site-url.lua.

This plugin highlights the link to the current page/section in a navigation menu. You can see that the “Plugins” link on this page is bold, it’s what this plugin does (it adds a nav-active class to that link).

It assumes that you are using relative links and that you keep all navigation links inside one element (like <nav>). It may require some tweaking for your website. Sample configuration:

  widget = "include"
  file = "templates/menu.html"
  selector = "div#nav-menu"

  after = "nav-menu"
  widget = "section-link-highlight"
  selector = "div#nav-menu"
  active_link_class = "nav-active"

If you keep navigation menu in a separate file like I do, the after = option is necessary for correct ordering, otherwise the highlight-active-link widget may run before navigation links are actually available.

Download: section-link-highlight.lua.

Allows you to add rel attributes to external links (those with a URL schema). By default it adds rel="nofollow noopener".

Sample configuration:

  widget = "safe-links"
  attributes = ["nofollow", "noopener", "noreferrer"]

Download: safe-links.lua.

For people who store their site source in a public repository. This plugin inserts a link to the page source file in the repository, by appending the page file path to a base URL (the repo_base option).

Written by Hristos N. Triantafillou. Sample configuration from his site:

  widget = "source-link"
  selector = "div#source-link"
  link_text = "Source link for this page"
  repo_base = ""

Download: source-link.lua.

Integrations with external tools

git timestamp

Requires soupault 1.9 or newer.

Extracts page modification date from git history and inserts it into the page.

It also allows you to override the automatic git timestamp with a manual revision date, which is handy if you want to preserve the date of the last essential modification when you make typo fixes or formatting updates.

To do that, set the manual_timestamp_selector option, and if a page has an element matching that selector, then its content (i.e. inner HTML) will be used for the timestamp.

The timestamp_format is the revision text as it appears in the page. It’s a Lua format string, %s will be replaced with actual timestamp.

The git_date_format is an argument for the --date git option. It defaults to “short” (YYYY-MM-DD).

Configuration example:

  widget = "git-timestamp"
  timestamp_container_selector = "div#content"
  manual_timestamp_selector = "time#last-modified"
  timestamp_format = "Last modified on %s"
  git_date_format = "short"

Download: git-timestamp.lua.

Augmented HTML

These plugins create “fake” HTML elements that are processed and replaced with real HTML.

They serve the same purpose as “shortcodes” in other static site generators.

File inclusion

For those who miss {% include "path/to/file" %} directives from template processors. If you remember SSI, it’s also similar to <!-- #include file="myfile.html" -->.

This plugin adds a fake HTML element <include>path/to/file</include>. For example:

<include> includes/footer.html </include>

When it encounters this element, it reads the includes/footer.html file and replaces the include element with its content.

By default the file is parsed as HTML, but you can also include it as raw text with HTML special characters escaped, using <include raw>...</include>.

You can specify either an absolute or a relative path. If a relative path is given, it’s relative to the current directory where you run soupault.

Sample configuration:

  widget = "inline-include"

Download: inline-include.lua.

Requires soupault 1.10 or newer.

Provides fake HTML elements for easily creating links to popular websites.

Supported elements:

All elements also support a short form where the content becomes the link data:

Social media link elements also support me attribute. For example, <mastodon me user=""> is translated to <a rel="me" href="">.

Sample configuration:

  widget = "quick-links"
  wikipedia_default_language = "fr"

Download: quick-links.lua

Hyperlinked glossary

Requires soupault 3.0.0 or newer.

Provides a way to make a hyperlinked glossary.

This plugin has no configurable options (as of now). You only need to enable it to run on your pages.

  widget = "glossary"

To make a glossary, first, define a <glossary> element with terms:

  <definition name="sepulka">
    A prominent element of the civilization of Ardrites from the planet of Enteropia; see “sepuling”.
  <definition name="sepuling">
   An activity of Ardrites from the planet of Enteropia; see "sepulka".

Then you can refer to them like this: <term>sepulka</term> anywhere in the page. Any <term> elements that have glossary definitions will be automatically converted to hyperlinks. All other terms will be ignored. The glossary itself will be made into a <dl>.

You can see this plugin at work in the reference manual page.

Download: glossary.lua